Chabad Jewish Center of Southwest Florida

Open your hearts to support Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida.
Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida is a unique organization that is successfully engaging the minds and hearts of Jewish children and the greater Jewish community - regardless of level of observance.  Your gift allows us to empower our local community with the beauty and depth of our tradition.  As you may be aware, Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida is not a centrally funded organization. It relies on the generosity of people like you so that we may continue the vital work of providing a Jewish environment for the Southwest Florida community which includes:

  • Hebrew Day School
  • Hebrew School  
  • Judaica Library
  • Lectures/Classes
  • Synagogue
  • Mikvah
  • Chabad Community Care

I want to make a contribution of: $   US

In Memory of
Make a donation in memory of a deceased family member or friend.

In Honor of
Make a donation in honor of someone or to celebrate a joyous occasion.



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This is my home business address.


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Email Address*
Reconfirm Email Address*
You may acknowledge my gift to my email address
Please acknowledge my gift by mail to the above street address.
Please contact me to discuss additional giving opportunities.
 Recurring donation:
Please charge the above amount to my credit card each month for the next twelve months.


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