Please Join us
Thursday night
8 p.m.
for a “Farbrangen”
The Farbrangen will be led by Rabbi Minkowicz but all are invited to share.
What is a Farbrengen?
A Farbrengen is when people connect heart to heart, soul to soul.
A Farbrengen is where the paradoxes of spiritual and physical, human and G‑dly, are processed into a tenable reality. In a tradition that traces its beginnings to the Ba'al Shem Tov, (mid-18th century), the Farbrengen serves as an informal format to communicate Chassidic/Kabalistic ideals and explore their practical application.
At Farbrengens it is also customary to sing Chasidic melodies known as niggunim and all attending wish L'chaim, blessings of life, to one another
Farbrengens are as accessible and approachable as they are informal