Character . Creativity . CriticalThinking |
Maimonides Hebrew Day School (MHDS) is the only Jewish educational facility in southwest Florida that offers a complete full time (or part time) learning experience for children and families. The school offers a dual curriculum with expanded courses of study, individualizes lessons and curriculums in all aspects of Hebrew, Judaic Studies and English/secular subject areas that follow the New Generation Florida Sunshine State Standards. MHDS accommodates all the diverse levels of a families' Jewish faith observance. A full day integrates exemplary instruction in both Hebrew and English listening and speaking, phonics & grammar, reading, and writing. Judaic studies of Torah, Chumash, Parashas, History, Holidays, Bruchas and Meddos are age and grade appropriate. Math, Science, and Social Studies, are complimented with Art, Music, and PE. The new facility will be equipped with the latest in technology and materials.